How To Make A Villager Follow You In Minecraft Source:

Playing the popular game Minecraft can be a lot of fun. You can explore, build, and craft whatever you want. You can also interact with villagers, which can be quite helpful. If you want to make a villager follow you, there are a few steps you need to take. This guide will show you how to make a villager follow you in Minecraft.

What You Need to Make a Villager Follow You

Before you attempt to make a villager follow you, there are a few things you need to make sure you have. First, you need some emeralds. Emeralds are a type of currency used in the game and can be obtained through trading with villagers, mining, or killing mobs. You will also need some food. The type of food you need will depend on the type of villager you're trying to make follow you. If you're trying to make a farmer follow you, you'll need to provide some wheat. If you're trying to make a librarian follow you, you'll need to provide some books. Finally, you need to make sure the villager is willing to follow you. If the villager is not willing, you won't be able to make it follow you.

How to Make a Villager Follow You in Minecraft

Once you have all the necessary items, you can start making the villager follow you. The first thing you need to do is find a villager. You can find villagers in villages, or you can spawn them using a spawn egg. Once you've found a villager, you need to trade with it. You can trade emeralds for the items the villager is offering. Once you've finished trading, you need to give the villager the food you have. If the villager accepts the food, it will start to follow you. You can then lead the villager to where you want it to go. Once you've arrived at your destination, you can tell the villager to stay there by right-clicking on it.

Tips for Making a Villager Follow You

Making a villager follow you isn't always easy. Here are some tips to help you make the process easier:

  • Make sure you have enough emeralds to trade with the villager.
  • Make sure you have the right type of food for the villager.
  • Be patient and don't try to force the villager to follow you.
  • If the villager isn't following you, try trading with it again.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to make a villager follow me?

You will need some emeralds, some food, and the villager must be willing to follow you.

Can I make a villager follow me without emeralds?

No, you need to have some emeralds to trade with the villager.

Can I make a villager follow me without food?

No, you need to provide the villager with the type of food it likes.

Do all villagers follow the same steps?

No, different types of villagers require different types of food.

Can I make a villager follow me without trading?

No, you need to trade with the villager before it will follow you.

Do I need to right-click the villager to make it stay?

Yes, you need to right-click the villager to make it stay in one place.

Can I make a villager follow me if it doesn't want to?

No, you need to make sure the villager is willing to follow you before you can make it follow you.

What happens if I give the villager the wrong type of food?

The villager won't accept the food, and it won't follow you.

Do I need to lead the villager to where I want it to stay?

Yes, you need to lead the villager to where you want it to stay and then right-click on it to make it stay there.

Can I make a villager follow me in survival mode?

Yes, you can make a villager follow you in survival mode.

Can I make more than one villager follow me?

Yes, you can make multiple villagers follow you by following the same steps.


Making a villager follow you in Minecraft isn't always easy, but it can be done if you have the right items and the villager is willing. With the right items and a bit of patience, you can make a villager follow you in no time. Hopefully, this guide has helped you learn how to make a villager follow you in Minecraft.