How Tall Is The Average 9 Year Old? Source:

As parents, we often compare our children to other children their age. We wonder if they are developing properly, if they are growing at the expected rate, and if they are on track with their peers. It can be difficult to gauge, but one way to measure is by looking at the average height of a 9 year old.

What is the Average Height of a 9 Year Old?

The average height of a 9 year old is 4 feet, 9 inches (54.5 inches) for boys and 4 feet, 6 inches (54 inches) for girls. This is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). They have surveyed the height and weight of children in the United States to create a standard for comparison.

How Do These Heights Compare to Other Ages?

In general, children will grow about 2.5 inches every year until they reach puberty. For girls, puberty typically begins around age 10 or 11, while boys will enter puberty around age 11 or 12. After puberty, boys will continue to grow for an additional two to three years, while girls will stop growing after their first year of puberty.

At age 9, the average height of boys is typically one inch taller than the average height of girls. This is because boys tend to enter puberty earlier and grow at a faster rate. By age 10, the average height of boys will be two inches taller than the average height of girls.

How Does Height Vary by Ethnicity?

It is important to note that height can vary significantly between different ethnicities. For example, according to the CDC, the average height of a 9 year old African American boy is 4 feet, 7 inches (56 inches), while the average height of a 9 year old Caucasian boy is 4 feet, 8 inches (57 inches). The average height of a 9 year old African American girl is 4 feet, 5 inches (54 inches), while the average height of a 9 year old Caucasian girl is 4 feet, 7 inches (55 inches).

Do Height and Weight Correlate?

Height and weight typically correlate, meaning that a child’s weight will often be proportional to their height. According to the CDC, the average weight of a 9 year old boy is 75 pounds (34kg), while the average weight of a 9 year old girl is 72 pounds (32.7kg).

What if My Child is Smaller or Bigger Than the Average?

It is important to remember that these statistics are just averages. Every child is different, and some children may be smaller or larger than the average. If your child is significantly smaller or larger than the average height/weight, it is important to speak to your doctor to ensure that your child is growing and developing properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average height for a 9 year old?

The average height of a 9 year old is 4 feet, 9 inches (54.5 inches) for boys and 4 feet, 6 inches (54 inches) for girls.

What is the average weight for a 9 year old?

The average weight of a 9 year old boy is 75 pounds (34kg), while the average weight of a 9 year old girl is 72 pounds (32.7kg).

What is the average height for a 9 year old by ethnicity?

The average height of a 9 year old African American boy is 4 feet, 7 inches (56 inches), while the average height of a 9 year old Caucasian boy is 4 feet, 8 inches (57 inches). The average height of a 9 year old African American girl is 4 feet, 5 inches (54 inches), while the average height of a 9 year old Caucasian girl is 4 feet, 7 inches (55 inches).

How fast do children grow?

In general, children will grow about 2.5 inches every year until they reach puberty. For girls, puberty typically begins around age 10 or 11, while boys will enter puberty around age 11 or 12. After puberty, boys will continue to grow for an additional two to three years, while girls will stop growing after their first year of puberty.

Do height and weight correlate?

Height and weight typically correlate, meaning that a child’s weight will often be proportional to their height.

What if my child is smaller or bigger than the average?

It is important to remember that these statistics are just averages. Every child is different, and some children may be smaller or larger than the average. If your child is significantly smaller or larger than the average height/weight, it is important to speak to your doctor to ensure that your child is growing and developing properly.

At what age do children enter puberty?

For girls, puberty typically begins around age 10 or 11, while boys will enter puberty around age 11 or 12.

Do boys grow faster than girls?

Yes, boys typically enter puberty earlier and grow at a faster rate than girls. By age 10, the average height of boys will be two inches taller than the average height of girls.

What age do boys stop growing?

Boys will typically stop growing two to three years after they enter puberty. Girls will stop growing after their first year of puberty.

What is the difference between the average height of boys and girls?

At age 9, the average height of boys is typically one inch taller than the average height of girls. This is because boys tend to enter puberty earlier and grow at a faster rate. By age 10, the average height of boys will be two inches taller than the average height of girls.