How Much Would A Gorilla Bench Press? Source:

It’s a question that has been asked countless times by people who are curious about the strength of a gorilla. The answer is a bit complicated and depends on the size and age of the gorilla, but we can make some educated guesses based on the strength of a typical male gorilla. In this article, we’ll explore the topic of how much a gorilla could bench press and discuss some of the factors that contribute to their strength.

Why Do People Ask How Much a Gorilla Could Bench Press?

People often ask this question out of curiosity, as gorillas are known for their impressive strength. They are the largest of the primates and are also incredibly strong. In many ways, they are the closest living relative to humans, but they have adapted over time to become much stronger than humans. This makes them an interesting point of comparison when it comes to strength and physical performance.

How Strong Are Gorillas?

Gorillas are incredibly strong animals and are capable of lifting things that weigh much more than their own body weight. A typical male gorilla can lift between 650 and 900 pounds, which is about three to four times their own body weight. This is much more than the average human, who can usually lift only around 200 pounds, or their own body weight.

How Much Could a Gorilla Bench Press?

It is difficult to estimate how much a gorilla could bench press as there are many factors that come into play. The size, age and gender of the gorilla all play a role in the amount of weight they can lift. Generally speaking, a male gorilla could bench press between 650 and 900 pounds, depending on their size and age. A female gorilla would have a lower bench press weight, as they tend to be smaller and lighter than males.

Factors That Affect a Gorilla's Strength

There are several factors that contribute to a gorilla’s strength and ability to lift heavy weights. Their size is one of the most important factors, as larger gorillas tend to be stronger than smaller ones. Additionally, their diet plays an important role in their strength. Gorillas eat a variety of foods, including fruits, leaves and insects, which provides them with the nutrients they need to maintain their strength. Lastly, their age also plays a role in their strength, as younger gorillas are usually not as strong as older ones.

Gorilla Strength Compared to Human Strength

When it comes to strength, gorillas are much stronger than humans. They can lift weights that are three to four times their own body weight, which is much more than the average human can lift. Additionally, they have much stronger muscles and bones than humans, which makes them even stronger. This is why they are so impressive to watch in the wild – they can do things that humans simply cannot.


Gorillas are incredibly strong animals and are capable of lifting weights that are three to four times their own body weight. It’s impossible to estimate exactly how much a gorilla could bench press, as there are many factors that come into play, such as their size, age and gender. However, it is clear that gorillas are much stronger than humans and can lift weights that we simply cannot.

Frequently Asked Questions

How strong are gorillas?

Gorillas are incredibly strong animals and are capable of lifting things that weigh much more than their own body weight. A typical male gorilla can lift between 650 and 900 pounds, which is about three to four times their own body weight.

What factors affect a gorilla's strength?

There are several factors that contribute to a gorilla’s strength and ability to lift heavy weights. Their size is one of the most important factors, as larger gorillas tend to be stronger than smaller ones. Additionally, their diet plays an important role in their strength. Gorillas eat a variety of foods, including fruits, leaves and insects, which provides them with the nutrients they need to maintain their strength. Lastly, their age also plays a role in their strength, as younger gorillas are usually not as strong as older ones.

How much stronger are gorillas than humans?

When it comes to strength, gorillas are much stronger than humans. They can lift weights that are three to four times their own body weight, which is much more than the average human can lift. Additionally, they have much stronger muscles and bones than humans, which makes them even stronger.

What do gorillas eat?

Gorillas eat a variety of foods, including fruits, leaves and insects. They also eat some animal matter, such as eggs, small birds, and small mammals. Their diet provides them with the nutrients they need to maintain their strength.

Do gorillas get stronger as they age?

Yes, gorillas can get stronger as they age. Older gorillas tend to be stronger than younger gorillas, as they have had more time to build up their muscle mass and strength.

Are gorillas dangerous?

Gorillas can be dangerous if they feel threatened or provoked. In general, however, they are peaceful animals and are not aggressive towards humans unless provoked.

Do gorillas live in the wild?

Yes, gorillas do live in the wild. They can be found in rainforests in central and west Africa.

Do gorillas live in groups?

Yes, gorillas live in groups, or troops, of anywhere from five to thirty members. These troops are usually made up of a dominant male, several females, and their offspring.

What is the lifespan of a gorilla?

The average lifespan of a gorilla is around 35 years in the wild. In captivity, they can live much longer, with some gorillas reaching the age of 50.