How Long Till Betta Fish Eggs Hatch? Source:

The betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, is a popular freshwater aquarium fish. Betta fish are relatively easy to breed, and they lay eggs quite often. If you have recently acquired a betta fish and are wondering how long it will take for their eggs to hatch, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the process of the betta fish hatching cycle and provide some tips on how to best care for the eggs and fry.

What is the Betta Fish Breeding Cycle?

The breeding cycle of the betta fish usually begins with the male and female betta fish being placed in the same tank. The male betta fish will then court the female by building a bubble nest and displaying his fins. Once the female has been impressed, she will lay her eggs and the male will then fertilize them. The female will then pick up the eggs in her mouth and place them in the bubble nest.

How Long Does it Take for Betta Fish Eggs to Hatch?

Once the eggs have been laid, it will take approximately 24-36 hours for them to hatch. The fry will typically hatch in the early morning hours and will remain in the bubble nest for another 24-36 hours until they are ready to swim. During this time, the male betta fish will continue to care for the eggs, fanning them with his fins to keep them clean and free from fungus.

Caring For Betta Fish Eggs and Fry

Once the eggs have been laid, it is important to provide the best possible environment for the eggs to hatch and the fry to thrive. This includes providing plenty of oxygenated water and keeping the water temperature between 78-82°F. It is also important to perform frequent water changes (at least 25% per day) to keep the water clean and free from bacteria. Additionally, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places for the fry, such as java moss, java ferns, and other aquarium plants.

Feeding Betta Fish Fry

Once the fry have hatched, it is important to provide them with the proper nutrition to ensure their growth and development. A good diet for betta fry consists of high-quality, protein-rich foods, such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and infusoria. It is also important to feed the fry multiple times per day, as they are very small and require frequent meals.


The breeding cycle of the betta fish is relatively simple and can be accomplished with minimal effort. Once the eggs have been laid, it will take approximately 24-36 hours for them to hatch. It is important to provide the best possible environment for the eggs to hatch and the fry to thrive, and to provide the fry with a high-quality diet to ensure their growth and development. With proper care and attention, you can successfully breed and raise betta fish fry.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for betta fish eggs to hatch?

Once the eggs have been laid, it will take approximately 24-36 hours for them to hatch.

What is the best way to care for betta fish eggs and fry?

The best way to care for betta fish eggs and fry is to provide plenty of oxygenated water and keep the water temperature between 78-82°F. It is also important to perform frequent water changes (at least 25% per day) to keep the water clean and free from bacteria. Additionally, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places for the fry, such as java moss, java ferns, and other aquarium plants.

What should I feed betta fish fry?

A good diet for betta fry consists of high-quality, protein-rich foods, such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and infusoria. It is also important to feed the fry multiple times per day, as they are very small and require frequent meals.

Can I breed betta fish at home?

Yes, you can successfully breed and raise betta fish at home with minimal effort. All you need is a tank, a male and female betta fish, and a suitable environment for the eggs to hatch and the fry to thrive.

What is the best temperature for betta fish eggs and fry?

The best temperature for betta fish eggs and fry is between 78-82°F. This temperature range is ideal for the eggs to hatch and the fry to thrive.

Do I need to remove the eggs from the tank?

No, it is not necessary to remove the eggs from the tank. The male betta fish will care for the eggs in the bubble nest until they hatch.

Is it necessary to perform frequent water changes?

Yes, it is important to perform frequent water changes (at least 25% per day) to keep the water clean and free from bacteria.

What type of food should I avoid feeding betta fish fry?

It is best to avoid feeding betta fish fry any type of flake food, as it is not nutritionally balanced for their needs. It is best to provide them with high-quality, protein-rich foods, such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and infusoria.

How often should I feed betta fish fry?

It is important to feed the fry multiple times per day, as they are very small and require frequent meals.